Green Microextraction Analytical Solutions - GMAS Laboratory-
Gionfriddo Research Group
About Our Laboratory
Our Laboratory is situated at the University of New York at Buffalo, in Buffalo, New York, USA.
UHPLC 3000 Thermo Fisher TSQ Endura
-UPLC-Triple Quadruple MS
a.k.a. Barack Junior
Agilent 8890 GC/5977C MSD, GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler Robotic, GERSTEL Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU)
-Gas-chromatograph hyphenated to a single quadrupole mass spectrometer. - The GERSTEL Robotic autosampler enables automation of sample introduction, that can be performed by liquid injection, static headspace (HS) and soliphase microextraction (SPME). - The use of the TDU module enables the use of Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) using the GERSTEL Twister®, thermal desorption of adsorbent tubes used for air sampling, thermal extraction of solid samples placed in fritted TDU tubes, thermal extraction of liquids placed in µ-vials inside the TDU and desorption of thin-film microextraction devices (aka TFME or TF-SPME)
a.k.a. Mario
PAL Autosampler
a.k.a. Nina
QSight 200 Series
and QSight® LX50 UHPLC
-UPLC-Triple Quadruple MS
-StayClean™ Source, self-cleaning design for maximum sensitivity and exceptional uptime
-Laminar Flow Ion Guide™ for highly efficient field-free transmission, providing virtually no maintenance requirements
-Dual Source technology gives you the capability to set ESI or APCI modes, with two independent probes for true multiplexing
-Modular Simplicity™ 3Q software to acquire, quantify, and report with flexible data viewing options and powerful remote diagnostics.
a.k.a. Luca
LC 300 UHPLC System